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EXTREME 3 Day Tourney FOR $5,000 w/ REAL HOOPERS...

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I truly appreciate everyone's patience on this video. I hope the wait was worth it, I put hella time into editing this one and I'd appreciate some feedback, whether that is good or bad. We are always looking to improve the quality of the content and we just want tone different!
Who would win in a 1v1... the winner the first time or now? Fredo vs Kam!
#Dfriga #GAME #5k
PLEASE Leave a like on this video and subscribe to the channel ! If you haven't subscribed yet to my second channel YOU ARE MISSING THE FUCK OUT on some of the best content on YouTube ... Not even just basketball content, its good stuff all around! huge s/o to my team, WE ARE PUMPIN work out rn! https://www.youtube.com/c/DFRIGA

Jlew https://www.youtube.com/c/Jlewww
KAM https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBPn2n0dsvYqjzlZMJOOHcg
SCAr https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBPn2n0dsvYqjzlZMJOOHcg

Park runs might start again soon...What city should I go to? ????????
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