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Andy Reid discusses Tyreek Hill trade, Chiefs game plan, Patrick Mahomes-Alex Smith | NFL | THE HERD

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Kansas City Chiefs Head Coach Andy Reid joins Colin Cowherd to discuss what led to Tyreek Hill's departure to the Miami Dolphins. He also breaks down the little things Patrick Mahomes needs to improve on, along with his advice to younger players trying to grow their game at the next level. Coach Reid then shares how the Chiefs' game plan will slightly change with Hill gone, including the staff's coaching process, along with learning from legendary coaches Bill Walsh and Paul Brown, drawing plays in the offseason and transitioning from Alex Smith to Mahomes. Hear what the Chiefs' coach has to say about the process of starting Mahomes after a solid run from Smith.

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Andy Reid discusses Tyreek Hill trade, Chiefs game plan, Patrick Mahomes-Alex Smith | NFL | THE HERD

The Herd with Colin Cowherd
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