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Bucks showcased title experience vs. Celtics, Grizzlies stood up to Warriors | NBA | THE HERD

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After a tough Game 5, the Milwaukee Bucks came back from an 14-point fourth quarter deficit to defeat the Boston Celtics with a final score of 110-107. Giannis Antetokounmpo finished with 40 points and 11 rebounds, while Jrue Holiday stepped up with 24 points, eight rebounds and eight assists. Joy Taylor shares her reaction to Game 5 and explains why she was impressed. Meanwhile, the Memphis Grizzlies shocked the basketball world, blowing out the experienced Golden State Warriors 134-95 in Game 5. While the Grizzlies are still down 3-2, they are feeling confident heading back to the Bay Area for Game 6. Joy explains why she is impressed with the young Grizzlies.

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Bucks showcased title experience vs. Celtics, Grizzlies stood up to Warriors | NBA | THE HERD

The Herd with Colin Cowherd
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