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Clippers/Mavs, Mayweather vs. Paul, Julio Jones (6.7.21) | UNDISPUTED Audio Podcast

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▶ What was the biggest reason the Clippers won Game 7 against the Mavs? (00:00)
▶ Should Floyd Mayweather be embarrassed he didn’t knock Logan Paul down at all last night? (22:40)
▶ Will trading Julio Jones to the Titans come back to haunt Atlanta this season? (36:00)
▶ Impressed with Chad Johnson in his first boxing match? (46:44)
▶ Stephen Jackson joins to recap the Clippers’ win over the Mavs. (56:07)
▶ Stephen Jackson returns to recap the boxing match between Floyd Mayweather and Logan Paul. (1:09:01)
▶ Was the Clippers/Mavs series the greatest comeback in NBA Playoff history? (1:18:28)
▶ Should Joel Embiid and Philly be concerned about losing to the Hawks? (1:36:24)
▶ Was Luka the best player in the Clippers/Mavs series? (1:45:14)
▶ Can Brooklyn still win an NBA title with Harden battling his hamstring injury? (1:52:28)

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About Skip and Shannon: UNDISPUTED:
UNDISPUTED is a daily two-and-a-half hour sports debate show starring Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe. Every day, Skip and Shannon will give their unfiltered, incisive, passionate opinions on the biggest sports topics of the day.

Clippers/Mavs, Mayweather vs. Paul, Julio Jones (6.7.21) | UNDISPUTED Audio Podcast

Skip and Shannon: UNDISPUTED
skip bayless, shannon sharpe, skip bayless shannon sharpe
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