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Easton Fuze XL vs. Easton Alpha XL - Best Easton BBCORs of the year? BBCOR Baseball Bat Reviews

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The Baseball Bat Bros try out two one-piece BBCORs from Easton: the Fuze 360 XL and the Alpha 360 XL.

You probably haven't seen these much because these are both Easton website exclusives (not sold through other retailers). However, if you look at the upper-tier D1 college programs that swing Easton - you'll see that they swing these two bats a ton! Over the ADV, over the Maxum, over the Fuze Hybrid - weird huh? So we wanted to look into it!

Easton Fuze 360 XL:
-Moderate swing weight - similar to Cat8 or The Goods One Piece
-1 piece alloy
-Stiff/Zero Flex
-Variable sound - crack towards the end of the bat, and a ping towards the hands.
-Pretty good sweet spot
-Impressive performance on mishits
-Great pop - this bat launched the ball
-Great Grip/taper/knob

Easton Alpha 360 XL:
-Pretty endloaded - similar to the 5150 or Omaha Pwr
-1 piece alloy
-Stiff/Zero Flex
-Variable sound - crack towards the end of the bat, and a ping towards the hands.
-Decent sweet spot - rung you up pretty bad towards the hands though.
-Impressive performance on mishits - but not quite as impressive as the Fuze
-Great pop - this bat launched the ball
-Great Grip/taper/knob

Link to these bats:

Pickup your Bat Bros merch at https://baseballbatbros.com/

Bottom line: due to BBCOR restrictions, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A PERFECT BAT. Between power, sweet spot, and swing weight, every bat is going to have to compromise in at least 1 area.
Scoring scale:
8 or lower: not a fan.
9: average, middle of the pack.
10: solid bat, above average - Bat Bro approved.
11: one of the best bats in its category and one of the best overall bats of the year
12 or higher:
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