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Emmanuel Acho talks Kyrie, KD & Nets, Draymond’s praise of Steph Curry, Eagles & Cowboys | THE HERD

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Speak For Yourself host Emmanuel Acho joins Joy Taylor on THE HERD to discuss the latest in sports. Acho and Joy begin by addressing Draymond Green’s credit to Steph Curry for helping him get through the NBA Finals vs. Boston Celtics. Acho then transitions to the state of the Brooklyn Nets, as they navigate through Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant drama. Finally Acho talks NFL, the Dallas Cowboys, the Philadelphia Eagles and Cleveland Browns QB Baker Mayfield.

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The Herd with Colin Cowherd is a three-hour sports television and radio show on FS1 and iHeartRadio. Every day, Colin will give you his authentic, unfiltered opinion on the day’s biggest sports topics.

Emmanuel Acho talks Kyrie, KD & Nets, Draymond’s praise of Steph Curry, Eagles & Cowboys | THE HERD

The Herd with Colin Cowherd
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