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FABIOLA DA SILVA: Contests Are Very Mental | World of X Games

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The face of aggressive inline skating for the first generation of X Games, Fabiola Da Silva competed in eight of the nine X Games where Aggressive Inline was contested. She has eight XG medals, seven of them gold. And at the height of her X Games fame, she was the only female skater who could pull a flat spin 540 and a fakie 900. Her X Games fame then transcended competitions when she was invited to appear in Disney’s “Brink” as the stunt person for the lead role. Da Silva’s final X Games appearance came in 2004, when she was invited to compete against the Men’s AIL Vert class, where she placed 6th.

Now a respected veteran of aggressive inline, Da Silva still skates and still progresses, but she’s managed to develop new talents away from inline. A dedicated Crossfitter, Da Silva hasn’t lost the eye for competition, but she’s also managed to stay engaged with the inline community. Along the way, she never lost sight of her humble beginnings, and her perspective at age 41 is insightful, pragmatic and vibrant. This Fabiola Da Silva.


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