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February 1, 2025

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July 10 2021 - a black cube like object tumbling forward or spinning in a forward motion (this can be seen better when the video is blown up) moves from south to north above Arroyo Seco… Argentina just finished playing Brazil in the Copa America Final today July 10 2021 at the Estadio Maracaná in Brazil to a no crowd final due to Covid Restrictions…this video was taken from my iPhone over Hermon Mountain; Highland Park California around 7pm… I erroneously relay the date as July 20 as im trying to let my wife see the object with me… so I can be sure I’m not hallucinating lol

There was something nefarious about this object..i was a bit nervous watching this object as at this point i had seen some pretty spectacular things… but never one that was jet black and this close…i didn’t seem to receive the usual positive vibes i normally receive when witnessing some type of anomaly…in the sky

If I had to gauge the size of the object judging the distance I’d say it was the size of a VW bug if you compacted the bug into a square shape…

One will also notice what looks like some type of energy field around the object if one downloads the video and zooms in further …

This video would benefit from a zooming in closer analysis of how the object spins and emits this “force field” around itself as it spins…

Another thing I noticed after zooming in on the object for a screenshot…the object had what looked like a Mandala like property…a mandala like granular design…but the object is obviously seen spinning or tumbling forward…
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