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Lakers, Dak's attitude, Cam Newton (5.18.21) | UNDISPUTED Audio Podcast

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▶ Will LeBron’s ankle tweak impact the Lakers as they look for back-to-back titles? (00:00)
▶ Are the Warriors a real threat to the Lakers’ playoff push? (19:45)
▶ Did the Clippers fall to the 4th seed on purpose to avoid playing the Lakers early in the playoffs? (36:25)
▶ Skip & Shannon discuss Kwame Brown’s viral post about criticism of his NBA career. (49:35)
▶ Surprised LeBron still feels disrespected as an all-time scorer? (1:03:04)
▶ Like Dak’s attitude as he looks to start his comeback season? (1:15:53)
▶ Chris Broussard joins to discuss LeBron’s ankle injury. (1:24:57)
▶ Should Cam Newton be worried about his job in New England? (1:37:20)
▶ Who will win: Celtics or Wizards? (1:41:52)

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About Skip and Shannon: UNDISPUTED:
UNDISPUTED is a daily two-and-a-half hour sports debate show starring Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe. Every day, Skip and Shannon will give their unfiltered, incisive, passionate opinions on the biggest sports topics of the day.

Lakers, Dak's attitude, Cam Newton (5.18.21) | UNDISPUTED Audio Podcast

Skip and Shannon: UNDISPUTED
skip bayless, shannon sharpe, skip bayless shannon sharpe
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