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LaVar & Broussard react to Cam Newton being 'disrespected' & heckled at camp | NFL | UNDISPUTED

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Free agent Cam Newton faced his share of critics last season after throwing 8 touchdowns and 10 picks in 15 games for the New England Patriots. But this weekend in Myrtle Beach, Cam faced an unlikely critic in a kid at his own football camp. In the now viral video, the young heckler called Cam out, resulting in quite the back and forth. Hear what LaVar Arrington, Chris Broussard, and Jason McIntyre have to say about the exchange.

#Undisputed #NFL #CamNewton #Patriots

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LaVar & Broussard react to Cam Newton being 'disrespected' & heckled at camp | NFL | UNDISPUTED

Skip and Shannon: UNDISPUTED
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