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NBA Finals, Trae Young, Cowboys | UNDISPUTED audio podcast (7.5.21)

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00:00 Do the Bucks need a healthy Giannis to challenge the Suns?
21:10 Any issue with LeBron confronting a critical PA announcer during his son’s AAU game?
34:31 Does Trae Young get a pass for elimination after playing with a hurt foot?
44:25 Will Dak & Zeke embrace the spotlight during ‘Hard Knocks’ in training camp?
56:39 Does Chris Paul need to win it all to cement his legacy?
1:04:59 Surprised Durant is still talking to fans on Twitter about his decision to join the Warriors.
1:15:42 Chris Broussard joins to preview the NBA Finals.
1:31:10 Chris Broussard returns to discuss LeBron making his voice heard during his son’s basketball game.
1:42:10 Chris Broussard joins to recap Atlanta’s Game 6 loss.
1:51:55 Has there ever been a two-way player in The NFL or NBA comparable to Shohei Ohtani?

#Undisputed #NBA #TraeYoung #DallasCowboys

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UNDISPUTED is a daily two-and-a-half hour sports debate show starring Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe. Every day, Skip and Shannon will give their unfiltered, incisive, passionate opinions on the biggest sports topics of the day.

NBA Finals, Trae Young, Cowboys | UNDISPUTED audio podcast (7.5.21)

Skip and Shannon: UNDISPUTED
skip bayless, shannon sharpe, skip bayless shannon sharpe
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