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Nick Wright reacts to Danny Ainge/Brad Stevens moves in Boston, Lakers' 3-2 deficit | NBA | THE HERD

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Nick Wright joins Colin Cowherd on a wild 48 hours in the basketball world to discuss his reactions to the Los Angeles Lakers' blowout Game 5 loss against the Phoenix Suns and Danny Ainge stepping down and coach Brad Stevens' promotion to president of basketball operations for the Boston Celtics. Hear what Nick has to say about the Lakers' odds of coming from behind a 3-2 deficit with LeBron James controlling the ship, along with Anthony Davis' injury history concerns and what Stevens stepping in a front office role means for the Celtics moving forward.

#TheHerd #NBA #LeBron #AnthonyDavis #DannyAinge #BradStevens #Lakers #BostonCeltics #PhoenixSuns #NickWright

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Nick Wright reacts to Danny Ainge/Brad Stevens moves in Boston, Lakers' 3-2 deficit | NBA | THE HERD

The Herd with Colin Cowherd
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