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Skip & Shannon give their predictions for Lakers vs. Warriors play-in game | NBA | UNDISPUTED

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The Los Angeles Lakers face off against the Golden State Warriors in tonight’s play-in matchup. We're used to seeing LeBron James and Steph Curry lock horns late in the postseason, where Curry and LeBron faced each other in 22 NBA Finals games. And after the Lakers final regular season game on Sunday, LeBron said QUOTE: 'For our paths to continue to cross in our careers is pretty unique and pretty cool.' He also said the Warriors have 'championship DNA.' Hear what Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe have to say about the Warriors vs. Lakers matchup.

#Undisputed #NBA #LeBron #StephenCurry #Lakers #GoldenStateWarriors

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About Skip and Shannon: UNDISPUTED:
UNDISPUTED is a daily two-and-a-half hour sports debate show starring Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe. Every day, Skip and Shannon will give their unfiltered, incisive, passionate opinions on the biggest sports topics of the day.

Skip & Shannon give their predictions for Lakers vs. Warriors play-in game | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Skip and Shannon: UNDISPUTED
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