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Taylor Rooks talks NBA MVP favorites, Harden 76ers debut, Brady & Rodgers' NFL future | THE HERD

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Taylor Rooks joins Joy Taylor to discuss the biggest moments from the NBA's All-Star game and Allen Iverson's impact on the youth. Rooks transitions to what fans can expect from James Harden's debut with the Philadelphia 76ers and when will Ben Simmons suit up for the Brooklyn Nets. Taylor Rooks and Joy move to the NBA's MVP front runners through the first half of the season, what's wrong with the Los Angles Lakers, and Aaron Rodgers' future with the Green Bay Packers.

#TheHerd #NBA #JamesHarden

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The Herd with Colin Cowherd is a three-hour sports television and radio show on FS1 and iHeartRadio. Every day, Colin will give you his authentic, unfiltered opinion on the day’s biggest sports topics.

Taylor Rooks talks NBA MVP favorites, Harden 76ers debut, Brady & Rodgers' NFL future | THE HERD

The Herd with Colin Cowherd
NBA, Basketball, hoops
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