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The Most DANGEROUS Diet in the World (STOP!)

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If you are like most, you have tried using diets to lose weight in the past. You may have even resorted to dangerous diet practices in order to lose weight fast. In this video, I’m going to show you the most dangerous diet in the world and help you to start looking towards nutrition plans that are much more conducive to long term health.
Each day, the most important decision you can make is the foods that you put in your body. As you likely have seen, when you put the wrong things in you can make yourself feel pretty ill pretty quickly. Imagine how powerful this gets when you extrapolate that out to days, weeks, months and years. If you want to be healthy and strong you need to start appreciating that power of diet and the nutrition you fuel your body with.
That said, many will resort to diets like Keto, Atkins, South Beach, IIFYM, Paleo and more as a way to get them to lose weight and body fat fast. The truth is, every one of these will likely work for allowing you to see results and perhaps even quickly. The problem comes in once you find out that the method of weight loss is not something that you can sustain for a lifetime. At this point, you likely will fall off the wagon and regain the weight only to be placed in a position once again of having to do it all over again.
This is not healthy. In fact, it is downright dangerous to your long term health. With each successive failure of a diet you are becoming more and more convinced that you do not have the will power to stick to a diet plan and that dieting isn’t for you. You either quit trying to lose weight all together or you get more desperate in your attempt to do so and less patient to let the process take place at a natural pace.
It is here that the situation becomes even worse. Why is it that people who are trying to lose weight think that they are going to instantly turn around everything that is wrong with their nutrition and suddenly start having the discipline to follow a restrictive diet. In the example of a ketogenic diet, you are going to have to get yourself to eat less than 10 percent of your daily caloric intake from carbohydrates. This is usually on the heels of coming off of an eating style that has you eating at least 60 or 70 percent of your calories from carbs.
There needs to be some sort of an on-ramp to the diet if you are going to find success with it. That said, it has nothing to do with whether or not you can actually follow this for the long term. Just because a diet is capable of allowing you to lose weight with it in the next few weeks it doesn’t mean that you will be able to follow it forever. To me, the only acceptable way to judge the effectiveness of a diet plan is by its longevity with the person using it.
If you are looking for a diet plan that takes eating and nutrition and makes it a lifestyle, head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Factor Meal Plan. This is not a one size fits all diet strategy, but it is one that is not based on deprivation or food elimination. You will be able to eat everything in moderation and start looking and feeling like an athlete within just weeks of starting it.
For more videos on diet and nutrition and the best way to eat to lose weight fast and the right way, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at
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