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The Phoenix Suns are old school, Ben Simmons is his own biggest problem — Colin | NBA | THE HERD

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Colin Cowherd talks the Phoenix Suns after Devin Booker leads his team to defeat the Los Angeles Clippers in Game 1 of the Western Conference Finals. Colin points out that the Suns are 'old school', drawing comparison between Magic Johnson's Lakers and Michael Jordan's Chicago Bulls. Watch as Colin breaks down why he likes this style of play more than what's common in the NBA today. Plus, Colin talks the Philadelphia 76ers after they've failed to make yet another conference final, and breaks down why Ben Simmons' biggest problem is himself.

#TheHerd #NBA #BenSimmons #DevinBooker #MagicJohnson #MichaelJordan #PhoenixSuns #Clippers #76ers #Lakers #ChicagoBulls

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The Herd with Colin Cowherd is a three-hour sports television and radio show on FS1 and iHeartRadio. Every day, Colin will give you his authentic, unfiltered opinion on the day’s biggest sports topics.

The Phoenix Suns are old school, Ben Simmons is his own biggest problem — Colin | NBA | THE HERD

The Herd with Colin Cowherd
NBA, Bakerball, Western Conference Finals
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