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Trae Young scores 22 points in 131-116 vs. Bulls, final game as a Hawk? | NBA | UNDISPUTED

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The Atlanta Hawks fell short to the Chicago Bulls with a 131-116 play-in loss and were eliminated from playoff contention. Trae Young finished with 22 points off 4-for-12 shooting, 3-for-8 behind the arc and six turnovers. The point guard's name has been thrown across the basketball world on where he will play next season and the Los Angeles Lakers have been rumored to be a destination. Skip Bayless, Paul Pierce and Keyshawn Johnson react to the Hawks loss, then discuss whether Ice Trae will be a good fit for the purple and gold or a different squad next season (if he leaves Atlanta).

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Trae Young scores 22 points in 131-116 vs. Bulls, final game as a Hawk? | NBA | UNDISPUTED

fs1, undisputed, nba
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