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Your body is talking to you, are you listening?

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Your body is talking to you, are you listening? Investigate and experiment with your daily rhythm and ask yourself: “Is it working for me?” Learn why working with your rhythm is so important: https://www.ekhartyoga.com/articles/practice/find-your-yoga-rhythm

A quick talk from Esther to introduce Find your Yoga Rhythm - a new 3-week exploration into your yoga practice starting Jan 7th on EkhartYoga.com. Over the course of three weeks, we invite you to investigate and experiment with your personal yoga practice rhythm. When we truly listen to our body and work with our natural rhythms, we begin to feel more energetic, productive, rested and balanced. Every week, you will receive 6 classes - 3 grounding and 3 energising. We invite you to choose the class that fits your mood and energy levels. With your classes, you will also have some questions for reflection to help you in the process. Find out more about how to join in here: https://www.ekhartyoga.com/articles/practice/find-your-yoga-rhythm

For full-length yoga classes and courses please visit our website: https://www.EkhartYoga.com

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