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DIME SCHOOL: The Ultimate Passing Breakdown Part 1

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DIME SCHOOL: The Ultimate Passing Breakdown Part 1
DISCLAIMER: This video is not created or intended for children 13 years of age or younger. Please do not view or participate in any instruction if you're not 14 years of age or older.

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In today's video, I give you DIME SCHOOL: The Ultimate Passing Breakdown Part 1! These simple basketball passing tips are super easy to implement for players at every level. By implementing these passing tips into your game you can almost immediately skyrocket your shooting scoring and your overall basketball skill level!
My first tip when it comes to becoming a truly elite passer is to use, "eye manipulation". This is something we see all of the top point guards in the NBA use to not telegraph the pass they are going to make. If we breakdown the film on some of the top guards from around the league think of guys like Trae Young and Chris Paul they both do a phenomenal job of using their eyes to create passing lanes on the court. Using your eyes to manipulate the defense is the first major key to becoming a truly great passer.
My second key to becoming a great passer is to, "draw and kick". The way basketball is played in today's game it's all about spacing and eliminating bad shots. So focusing on putting your teammates in good situations is hugely important. One way this can happen is by drawing defenders and kicking to open shooters if you watch the most effective players in the NBA think of guys like Lebron James and Stephen Curry they both do an elite job of creating great opportunities for teammates by drawing defenders out of position with their ability to create off the dribble.
My third basketball passing tip is to, "Pass the pocket". Playing in pick and roll situations is a huge part of today's game and being able to pass your teammates open is really the next level of playing the game at the highest levels. Pay close attention so when the time comes you understand good passing angles and lanes that you can use to your advantage.
If you are ready to really skyrocket your basketball ability these passing tips are essential! Make sure to implement these passing tips into your basketball workouts today!

As always make sure you are paying close attention to these basketball passing tips so when the time comes you can really expand your game to the next level! Watch the video all the way through and implement these passing tips into your game today!

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