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Friday Five | 7-10s on 7-10 | All-Time Best PBA Tour 7-10 Split Conversions

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Friday Five, July 10, 2020 - 7-10s on 7-10. Five of the best 7-10 split conversions in the history of the PBA Tour. Widely regarded as the hardest split to convert in bowling, it's only been converted three times on PBA Tour television finals.

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Mark Roth was the first to convert the 7-10 split on TV, doing so in the 1980 ARC Alameda Open. Roth finished fourth in the event.

The next televised 7-10 conversion came from John Mazza in the 1991 Bud Light Classic. Mazza finished third.

Later that same season, Jess Stayrook made the 7-10 in the 1991 Tuscon Open on his way to a third-place finish.

Two other important 7-10 splits include Brian Voss during the final round of match play in the 2010 Don and Paula Carters Mixed Doubles Championship and Mika Koivuniemi in the 4-for-3 match at the 2013 USBC Masters. Voss and partner Diandra Asbaty went on to win the title. Koivuniemi finished fifth.

See more 7-10 split conversions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwuUW8zaol8_JVOXfzaP_lqzXLsehXCDO
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