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WAR on 2 Wheels! -- ("Canada Heads Up" drag racing - Extreme 8.80 & Bracket)

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- The SUNDAY competition from the "Canada Heads Up" drag racing series, "Extreme 8.80" and "Street" bike classes!
- This is 1/4th mile drag racing with some of the fastest bikes in Ontario.
- Multi camera angles taking you along for the ride!

- Congrats to the days winners, and well done to all of the competitors who came out and raced. You put of a great show and we will see you at the next one!

- Filmed on June 9th 2019 at Toronto Motorsports Park in Cayuga Ontario.

- Elim Rounds: 5:59
- Street Bike Final: 10:10
- Extreme 8.80 Final: 12:23

- EZ Street & Super Street video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBbQoQT0D28

- Small Tire Eliminations video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6KPYRiXwMg

- Season Opener video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6lk_-whl8o

- Check out: http://ontariogrudgewars.com for more info.

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#canadaheadsup #dragracing #dragbike
Drag Racing
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