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Badminton Training: 15 EXERCISES - SPEED at HOME ????????

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These 15 exercises are to improve your speed in badminton at home. Speed is generally considered nessecary in badminton. Having more speed in your body will ultimately give you a better position before hitting the shuttle. The 15 exercises can be done at home .
Sometimes you don't have the opportunity to go to the badminton court and that's why i created this video. Now you can improve your speed everywhere. Especially at home!

Suggested workout ????????
Pick 5 exercises and work your way through them, 3 times.
You simply have to follow the ''suggested workout'' graphic in the end of each speed exercise.

Thanks to Jeppe Schack for helping me out:

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FOCUSES and TIPS for the video: Badminton training: 15 Exercises - SPEED at HOME ????????
1) Get yourself warmed up!
2) Take on your fast shoes
3) Get outside, and work hard!

Have fun with your badminton training

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Badminton: 15 Exercises - SPEED at HOME ????????, Badminton 15 exercises, badminton top 10
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